It feels like home
“It feels like home” is an online intervention that uses the synthetic space of the browser as a stage to unfold an interactive, performative and generative virtual sculpture. Experimenting with the notion of digital sculpture, It feels like home reflects on the site-specificity within the virtual as well as the offline spaces, while it goes through hourly and algorithmic transformations, becoming a performative process that continuously produces unexpected and unpredictable results that depends on each visitor’s offline time-zone. Especially after more than one year of pandemic, locked inside and constantly online, the notions of time, home and personal space feel in constant change and contradiction, helplessly transient. “feels like home” was commissioned by HeK (House of electronic Arts Basel) for the series of online artworks “HeK Net Works”
Martina Menegon (IT/AT)
Martina Menegon (Italy, 1988) is an artist working with Interactive and Extended Reality Art. In her works, Martina creates intimate and complex assemblages of physical and virtual elements that explore the contemporary self and its synthetic corporeality, creating disorienting experiences that become perceivable despite their virtual nature. Martina is a University Assistant and Lecturer at the department of Transmedia Art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where she teaches “Digital Design and Virtuality”. She is also teaching multimedia tools for interactive arts at the IUAV University in Venice together with Klaus Obermaier and Stefano D’Alessio. She is currently Head of Extended Reality and Curator at the “CIVA Festival”, the new media art festival of Vienna, and at the “Area for Virtual Art”, a platform for immersive experiences and get- togethers founded by sound:frame and Pausanio. Martina Menegon currently lives and works in Vienna, Austria.