Im(moral) Code: An ethics to lose one’s way
After the republishing of the “Moral Book“(Alfonso Reyes, 1952) by the actual Presidency of Mexico, a text without relevance for the current century and with no inclusion of women nor non-masculine groups, a group of women poets made a ludic re-writing of some of its sections as a feminist manifesto, embracing our voices in this patriarchal society. Later, this video poem was made, as an urgent exercise against the violent treatment that the Mexican State has decided to give us, the women as citizens. This is a reunion of visions in Spanish, English and Spanglish.
Andrea Grain Hayton (MX)
Self-taught and student of literature. Her work has leaned towards developing narratives between poetry and the visual, both in photography and video. She has served as art director for the Lammadame University Gazette. She obtained first place in photography in the UNAM 2016 Punto de Partida contest, and honorable mention in the same contest, 2017. Special jury selection award at the Twysted Oyster Film Festival 2016 video poetry festival with the video of Sipofene, part of the official selection in Video Bardo. It is part of the AA&A multidisciplinary poetry collective, selected at the Casa del Lago 2017 Spoken Word. She has produced music videos for bands like Belafonte Sensacional and has collaborated in virtual magazines like Noisey with photo reports of gifs. She has also made book trailers and a video poem by Johnny Cash for books from the publisher house Sexto Piso. One of her gifs was part of the official selection of the Animasivo 2017 festival.