A Sitting Man

To what extent does the current visual culture influence our image of man? ​ Fundamental questions about the relationship between physicality, nature and digital image culture arise. This experimental film investigates the male body image in his intimate space, and at the same time the associated concept of social representation.

Karel Tuytschaever (BE)
Karel Tuytschaever (°1985) graduates in 2007 from the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp in the Drama, an acting education led by Dora van der Groen. To date, Karel works as a freelance actor for theatre, film and television series. Since 2008, he is a lecturer at the Bachelor programs in Drama and in Contemporary Dance at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp / AP University College and is a member of the dance training mentor team. He is regularly solicited as a coach and hosts workshops and masterclasses organized by theatre studio Nest, OPENDOEK, University of Antwerp, deDansPunt, Let’s Go Urban Academy, scenography education KASKA, Zuidpool, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, The Amsterdam School of the Arts & Fontys School of the Arts. In 2015 BARRY is founded on the need to create an environment where Karel’s hybrid own work can be developed, be made and be distributed. Since 2019, BARRY (BE) has a long-term collaboration together with DansBrabant (NL). As of 2020, he is a researcher in the arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, with the support of the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp. His research is a tipping point in which he wants to graft his vision on what sincere embodiment within performative art is, and can be, on to the visual arts. Of great importance to him is the interaction between his performing, his lecturing, and his research and work as a maker. His fascination for embodiment and physicality within the arts plays a key role in this triangle.