Space for the Absence
“Nothing is imposed. Nothing is delimited from the rest. Everything seems to go back to an in-differentiation. The absent look has a draining effect. Fluid transitions generate places of absence and emptiness. Absence makes space more permeable. And so it expands.” Byung-Chul Han
Rodrigo Noya (AR)
Audiovisual artist, musician and teacher. Audiovisual designer at the University of Buenos Aires, developing works in video, photography, music and real time video. He has presented work in festivals such as VideoBardo, Bienal de Imagen en Movimiento, Oberhausen Kurzfilmtage, BAFICI, Festifreak, FIVA, PLAY, IVAHM, Escalatronica, among others. He has developed activity as a VJ along with various music and dance groups. He currently participates in experimental electronic music projects.