Art City VR
Art City VR is a basic concept of a virtual city inspired by the Cyberpunk style. Here you can explore different shops and galleries on the VR street, visit a futuristic fashion boutique, have a virtual sushi in the sushi bar and see a jewellery shop of the future. You can dance in the cyber disco and even become a part of the city by completing quests which are scattered across the area. The concept of even bigger VR Art City is currently being developed by the artist and will be presented to the public in the near future.
Sasha Alexdottir (UK)
Sasha Alexdottir, born in the land of fire and ice – Iceland and raised on the Rock of Gibraltar
which is her home. Being a mixture of glaciers and sunny beaches, snowstorms and levante
breeze she always looks for new and incomprehensible ways to express herself and see the world
from a new angle. Or even create new worlds which no one has seen before. Virtual reality is
Sasha’s passion and the place where she belongs. It gives her endless possibilities to express
herself in a new and futuristic way where all the craziest ideas can come true. Now Sasha is in the
very beginning of her artistic journey studying 3D Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth
University, UK.