How Major Depression Feels Like For Me
This film is an attempt to show: Others who haven’t experienced depression, what it feels like for me. The comfort of being swaddled in bed, hidden away from a world which often hurts. That in daily life, you could be right next to someone who is deeply suicidal, but not know it. The isolation of facing depression alone, thinking one is going through a shameful experience which one needs to hide from others in order to be accepted by them. Friends and colleagues sometimes distance themselves from those with depression or suicidal thoughts as if they were encountering a strange green blob. Finally, it’s a plea for us all to be generally kinder and more compassionate to one another – even to those who may rub us the wrong way – as we don’t really know what is going on inside others. We don’t know what has happened to them in their lives or upbringing to cause them to act that way.
Walter Lee (AU)
Walter has a Bachelor of Arts in Cinema Studies and a TAFE Certificate IV in Film and TV Production, where he won the TAFE State Medal. He has made a number of short films which have been shown in festivals worldwide and has written screenplays. He is keen to make films which are meaningful, generate wonder and light the world.