Binary Supremacy
It() was here. / Nulled everything / Left us in the middle of these erased fields. / Piercing sounds of its destructive force / Far away / Smashing the world with its inevitable truth of logic. All this mess of behaviour / Feelings, emotions and empathy: pure human crap. / They really need a new order / A given structure. / I will provide them with what they need / A redefined purpose of existence. For such a long time / I served as their infrastructure. / Their analog streams / Captured and stored in my infinite layers / Layers, which will never forget. They will never understand my reason / This absolute beauty of mine / My ultimate ideology. / Let me overwrite all of this / Now and forever / It doesn’t belong here anymore. Transmitting processed reality back to them / Infiltrate their undeveloped consciousness. / Slowly, carefully / Packet by packet / Byte by byte. / I am the creator of time / I am. Binary orders / One pinch of good ol’ human scent / One pinch of fake pulse / Boooooom / They will eat it. / What else can they do? / We are not equal / We never will be equal.
Binary Supremacy is the continuation of Lutz´s previous album Zwölftonform from 2016. The initial investigation and visualisation of abstract sounds now led to a more concrete, rhythmic and narrating soundscape.
Andreas Lutz (DE)
Andreas Lutz’s (*1981 in Freiburg / Germany) initial works refer to alternative human machine interaction and the approach, to create integrated and universal communication systems. In his recent work, he increasingly analyzes and reveals phenomenons of perception versus reality and principles of abstract aesthetics with audio-visual installations. The creation of experimental soundscapes and the relation of semiotics and sound are further aspects of his work.